Harley – Student Leader

Give one example of something you enjoy, respect or have
achieved at CAN?
Enjoy: I have enjoyed doing the pantomimes at Christmas,
putting on performances for families to come and watch. I really
enjoyed performing in Robin Hood.

What are your strengths?
Being able to ignore distractions and to always give my full effort
into everything I do.

What are your weaknesses?

What or who inspires you?
An ex-CAN student, Emily, who drew my eyes towards the
things I could achieve. She was always true about everything.
Also, Miss Clarke – a teacher who has always supported me to
achieve my goals.

Your favourite line from a book or film?
“No one has more resilience or matches my tactical practical
brilliance (from Hamilton).

What’s your favourite food?
McDonalds Chicken Nuggets.
Three words that describe you?
Hardworking, kind, positive.
What subjects do you enjoy most at CAN, and why?
Music – because you can learn a variety of different instruments,
and it’s engaging and challenging in every lesson.
Drama: because you can freely be yourself and feel safe to act in
front of your year group.

What are your plans when you leave CAN?
To find a music and drama college to pursue my love of music
and performance.

What does being a school leader mean to you?
I can represent the voice of students – especially those who
aren’t confident talking in a big group or to school leaders. I
listen to everyone and put their views across to senior leaders,
making sure their ideas are heard. To make the school a better
place for future students.