Give one example of something you enjoy, respect or have
achieved at CAN?
I feel I have achieved a lot since being at City Academy Norwich, both personal growth and a greater understanding of subjects, ie. Maths, English, and Science, which I enjoy a lot more than I did in primary school.
Who or what inspires you?
My parents inspire me; also certain teachers who have pushed me to do better than I realised I could do.
What one thing would you change at CAN?
I would give the students a poll every few months to find out if there’s anything they would like added to the lunch menu.
Why did you join the Student Council, and what does it do?
I joined the student council to push myself out of my comfort zone, and to feel like I can make a difference. The student council is to help students have a say in how things are done, and to feel like they are part of running the school.
Give an example of an action the Student Council has achieved?
More bins have been installed within the school.
What are your interests outside school?
Friends, coding, gaming, family.
What are your plans when you leave CAN?
I would like to achieve the best possible grades that I can, so that I can have an amazing future. I would like to work in a technology/gaming development company.