Pupil Premium
How we spend our pupil premium funding to make a high quality education a reality for all young people:
Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2023-24
Securing success for students
When students enter City Academy Norwich we make sure that we know and understand the starting points of their academic progress. We gain valuable information from their primary schools and carry out several important baseline assessments; for example, their reading ages.
The pupil premium is spent on ensuring all students are making progress in the key skills needed to succeed, and that they are properly prepared for the next stage of their education.
For students who enter the school with reading ages well below their chronological age, we deliver a personalised catch up programme.
We pay for additional staffing to help us design learning which is personalised to the needs of individual and to groups of learners.
A core team for each year group will intervene to ensure early identification and support for students who fall behind in core skills. Interventions include:
- Small group interventions
- One-to-one tuition
- Assertive mentoring
- Raising Attainment and Progress (RAP) programmes
Supporting students’ wellbeing and behaviour
We believe that employing high quality staff to help students overcome barriers to learning is essential. There are many students who rely on this personalised support to succeed at school, without which they would become disengaged.
Mentoring means supporting students emotionally, but also ensuring they are challenged to work hard, succeed, and overcome their barriers to learning. It can take the form of:
- Counselling
- Speech and language therapy
- Additional careers advice
- Educational psychology
- Pupil support workers
- Purchasing compulsory uniform (blazer and tie)
- A progress leader attached to each year group
- Pastoral outreach worker
- A comprehensive personal, social and health education programme (PSHE)
Equality of access to the curriculum
A key aspect of our ethos at CAN is our belief that we need to develop memorable learning experiences. This includes curriculum trips and visits.
We believe that talents such as sport, music, dance and drama will only develop into a lifelong passion by providing a high quality extended curriculum. The pupil premium will also help all students access this curriculum and help students discover their talents. For example:
- Support for year group trips
- Free music tuition
- Additional support in exams for vulnerable groups
- Access to sports clubs
- Support with funding equipment for DofE
- Support for language trips
Monitoring and review
The plans and budgets for the pupil premium are reviewed on an annual basis, and interventions and impact are reported to the governors.
Review of the progress of students on free school meals takes place each term after each report cycle
To support the students’ development, every student has an allocated key worker to track and monitor access to appropriate provision
For students registered as FSM/Ever 6 there is individual monitoring of attendance, Attitudes to Learning (ATLs), progress grades and GCSE performance