


‘CANALOT’ (City Academy Norwich Allotment) started in Feb 2020 with help and support of educational charity The Papillon Project – you can find out more about the charity here.

Our aim has been to create a facility which is a permanent place of inspirational learning for our students, which has the additional benefit of improving the mental health and well-being of all involved.

Outdoor learning has so many benefits, especially for the young people in our local community. It helps develop self-esteem, enhances practical problem solving and team work skills; and helps them to understand the need for sustainable relationships between people and their environment.

In building the allotment, we have used a lot of recycled materials such as car tyres, wooden palletts, 

A team of young people, along with our staff allotment coordinator, Mr Gilbertson, staff and community volunteers, and members of the Papillon project, including their Founder and Project Leader Matt Willer, have worked hard creating our wonderful allotment. 

Almost every part of the allotment has be built using recycled items such as old school fire doors, wooden pallets, sinks and car tyres.

The produce grown is used in catering lessons, which enables our students to pick what they cook, and understand the importance of locally sourced food. During the summer holidays, surplus produce is donated to our local foodbank. 

Canalot a community facility, and we welcome volunteers from our local community, parents and carers who share our vision for this special site. For more information please contact our Canalot Co-ordinator, who is also one of our science teachers: